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Governed Analytics
in Four Steps

Videos are the best form of storytelling and a product walk-through is always best with a demo. On this page you'll get to appreciate the rich capabilities of the Brighthive platform with a series of videos that best explain the magic the platform instantly creates for all those data stewards, data lovers and data nerds out there. Enjoy and drop us a line to tell us what you think!


Connect and Collect

BrightHive's Partner Data Portal, Connectors, and Partner Data Network make it easy for you to collect the data you need, connect the data you have, and fill in your data gaps with third-party data sources, all on one platform. 


Organize and Harmonize

Brighthive allows you to organize your data ecosystem across partners in a shared catalog, and organize all your data projects in a single project viewer.


Build and Manage

With automated workflows, data product templates, schema and product versioning, and BrightBot AI, building data products securely from shared data has never been easier. 


Activate and Impact

Increase the impact of your data products for a diverse set of stakeholders with Brighthive's secure data provisionioning. Connect dashboards, turn on automatic data APIs, reverse ETL into CRMs, or provide secure downloads. 

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